Friday, 22 December 2017

გაკვეთილის გეგმა

Teacher Tea  chkoidze

Class III

Class size 20


Class profile (a brief description of the class)
 A class of 20 students. Their age 9-10.The class is monolingual of biginners,less used to the communicative approach of teaching , with different interests.

Aims for the lesson (language/skills/other aims)
By the end of the lesson the students will learn new words and describe people’s appearance and will develop spiking and listening skill.

Timetable fit (why you are giving this content at this point in the course)
Students are biginners so most of new words will be new for them.

Anticipated problems (language/behaviour/other things which may disrupt your lesson) and solutions:

Assumptions: (Problem) Students will be confused about meaning of target language.
(solutions) use  flashcards and video .Also gestures and facial expressions.

Text book English world,flashcards,board, computer

Stage and time

Lead in

To enable students to greet each other.

Teacher greets and elicit  respons. Drill open and closed pairs.
Presentation of Vocabulary.
Vocabulary input.
To clarify meaning of words which are connected to the topic. Practice the vocabulary
Of clothes and accessoiry and places them on the desk in two columns. Which words they have already known and which new for them.

Board work and written work.

To provide pupils with a written record of new vocabulary.
Teacher elicit words onto the board marking pronunciation and allows the pupils to write the words do win.

Free practice

To memorize the words

Pupils practice dialogue choosing with clothes. They describe each other what they wear.


Controlled check
To make sure they remember the words
SS works in pairs. Play a word game to learn and practise accessories vocabulary. Discussion ---What  is favourite  accessoiry? Why? Can you describe it?


To encourage SS and provide them with feedback.
Teacher asses students.


ინგლისური ენის მე 4 კლასის გაკვეთილის რეფლექსია

რეფლექსია 4 3 კლასში ჩავატარე ინგლისური ენის სტანდარტული გაკვეთილი თემაზე “ My Family”. გაკვეთილი დავიწყე მისალმებითა და სიის ამოკ...